Jeremy Hardy, Chris Shephered & Maria Manton

Jeremy Hardy presenting Chris Shephered director & Maria Manton producer from Slinky Pictures, the British Animation Awards 2004 (BAA), for ‘Best Short Film’ and for ‘Best Film At The Cutting Edge’ for the film “Dad's Dead” . The Shaw Theatre, Novetel. Euston, London, UK, 19th March 04

Location: Euston, London, UK

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff

Jeremy Hardy, Chris Shephered & Maria Manton

Jeremy Hardy presenting Chris Shephered director & Maria Manton producer from Slinky Pictures, the British Animation Awards 2004 (BAA), for ‘Best Short Film’ and for ‘Best Film At The Cutting Edge’ for the film “Dad's Dead” . The Shaw Theatre, Novetel. Euston, London, UK, 19th March 04

Location: Euston, London, UK

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff